Thursday, July 7, 2011


{Warning, this post will be full of loving on little kiddo's :)} Those who know me (well I think most of them :) Know that I loooooooove children. And if there are little one's around, most likely I will have one on my lap or be chasing one around or pitching a baseball to one or of course tickling one ;) It wasn't like that a couple years ago, at least not as much. Everyone would say, Christy is so good with kids! And I would be off playing football (shutter's), or baseball, then when I got a little older I just wanted to be with the older girls (oy) Sure I wanted to be a babysitter, but mostly because I was old enough and because i would be making money. Yes I thought kids were cute and all but it wasn't until the last few years I really developed a love for children. I cant really explain it. I just love to be around kids :) I find a joy in making young ones giggle and grin and show their little dimple's :)

But more than that I feel a calling on my life to care for and teach little ones. And what better time in my life to do that than now, of course when I have children my caring and teaching will be to them. But for now I will content to love on other peoples children :)

Children are a beautiful thing. So Innocent and fun loving. Everything they say seems to be comical (Although some things you must hold your laughter) Everything is so new to them, amazing! Even when you don't think they are they're watching your every move, learning how 'big people' do things. So when little kids say things like "I want to be like you when I grow up" Its sometimes a bigger complement then anything else :)

I feel a responsibility to set an example for children younger than me. For them to learn from my mistakes and treat them like their opinions matter but that they still must obey.

Anyway I think I'm through with my rambling on ;)

~All For Christ~

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