Friday, November 22, 2013

Softly Raining

Rain softly falls from the dark clouds above. It's thinking weather today. And as I meditate on life my mind is quickly and surely brought to my savior. And how could it not be? He is the source of my life after all. My breath is from His lungs, He knit me together, His hand is always holding me, keeping me from harm. What would I be without Him? I shutter at the thought. He died for me even in my deep sin.

How can we measure His love? Could we say it is as tall as a mountain? No, its heights far out do even the tallest of mountains. Could we say it is deeper than the ocean? No, its depths are far too deep to compare to a mere ocean. The truth is we could never begin to comprehend how deep, how wide, how pure, how sweet, and how amazing His love is.

Sometimes when ponder this, the fact the Creator of the universe, the Author of life, the One whom everything finds its beginning, yes He, left His place to come and be my Savior. He shed His blood so I could be called Daughter. My mind can scarce begin to fathom it.

Each day my deepest desire is to bring Him glory. To grow closer and closer to the woman He's called me to be. And for my passion for His presence to increase with every breath.

So as the drops fall outside my widow I will thank Him for washing my sins as those drops wash the earth. And He pours His spirit on me as rain from heaven, replenishing my soul.

Fill me up God, fill me up, to the point of overflow. So that I may pour out onto a world in need of You.

In Him,
Rachel <3>

Friday, August 9, 2013

My Desire~

To worship You because You're You. That is my desire. Not for the blessings You give. Not for what I can get out of it. But simply because You are God, The great I Am. Because even when You hold the entire world in the palm of Your hand, You love me deeper than I've ever known.

There is nowhere I look that I don't see Your finger prints. The work of Your hands is in every part of the universe! There in nothing Your eye's do not see.

Your wisdom no man can fathom. No being in heaven or on earth can compare to who You are!

The layers of Your love are never ending. The heights it travels immeasurable. As if loving a wretch like me were not enough, You went deeper and sent Your son to take my place in death and suffering. To carry not only my sins, but the sins of the earth! And You went further still, giving us Your spirit. Giving me power over sin, over temptation, over Satan, through Your name.

Demons shriek and hide at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ! Death has no power over Your children. You have set us free by Your blood. You have torn the veil in two, nothing separates us from You!

Why would I go anywhere else when You are all that makes sense? When I am pulled in so many directions, when the enemy whispers lies so enticing in my ear. You are my safe haven! You are where I land.

And so I lift my hands, I lift my life to the only One who satisfies my soul. Do with me what You will. Use my life for Your glory. For Your kingdom. Let every breath I breathe speak of Your mercy, Your grace, and of who You are!

From the smallest grain of sand to the tallest mountain, all of creation sings of Your glory! My souls desire is to join the chorus with every word I speak! That those who I meet would know You are my king. And that I am a child of the Most High God! And He loves me <3 font="" nbsp="">

~In Him~