Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Like a little seed

My faith is like a seed. It was planted into the ground, and then it began to take root. I began to see the depth of love my Savior had for me. Then it had a little sprout, I began to see the depth of need that I had for my savior. Then it grew a little taller, I began to let my faith shine through to the outside. Then it grew a little bud, I began trust His plans for me. Then it blossomed, and I began to be completely sold out and living for Him. And sometimes it closes up in fear, and sometimes it gets dry, and sometimes it gets covered. But with Him as the gardener, I will always blossom into a deeper beauty, brighter colors, and have my thirst satisfied. He will always fix my petals, mend my torn leaves, and care for me. Dear Lord give me sunshine, water, and nutrition so that I may continue to grow, with each passing day, to grow into the full, rich, fruitful, beautiful person you've called me to be.

~All For Christ~

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