Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fight For It

Its time! Its time to lift up your fist's! Get your Bible! Take up the sword of the spirit! We are in a bloody war. And if you can't see that, that's a problem! Don't try to just "fit in" with the world. Don't compromise! Fight the evil lurching around us! He spoke for us, loved us, bled for us, was beaten for, was hung on a cross for us, prayed for us, died for us, lived for us! The least we can do is fight to see that His name is not taken out of our land completely. They may take His name off our money, keep Him out of our schools and work places. But they can not and will not keep us from fighting, fighting for His name, fighting so that children have a chance to see the light of day, fighting so that His love can be seen! Who will stand with me? Who will change the world with me? How can we stand by and watch them crucify Him again through the corruption in our land? We can not reach the world through compromise, we've gotta show them that there is something different, that we have something that gives us hope and love! I don't mean to ramble on, but I just feel like the children of God need to stand up for their Father! We also need to come together as a family, as brothers and sisters in Christ. Encourage and lift each other up. Go to each other when we are hurting, and when we are joyful. Because none of us are better or more loved than the other. We were all lost, we were all sinners. But we have been adopted into the best ever! Lets embrace it! Hope I didn't bore you :) ~Out Of His Great Love~ Rachel http:// P.s This is a really great song and video!


Katheryn said...

yo, Rach, can't open the link! ;p

Rachel said...

Yo Kate dont know whats wrong :(

Katheryn said...

Well, what song is it?

Rachel said...

Children of God :)