Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's here!! The time for giving thanks!! I am thankful for, my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, my dog, my aunt's, uncle's, my cousins, my grandparents, my house, my food, my clothes, music, words, freedom to live and to praise my Lord, hands to work with, feet to walk with, eyes to see with, ears to hear with, people to love and love me, my future husband even though I have not met him yet, baby kisses, piano sounds, midnight prayers, open Fields, sunsets, flowers, but more than any of this, I am thankful for a God who would give his only son to die and take away my sins, a savior who would love me no matter what and who has washed me clean and filled me with joy!!!!!! Nothing compares,
{Out Of His Great Love}

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