The Lord has been teaching me a lot about this lately. As I dig deeper into myself, I find that I am a prideful person. And way to judgemental. The concept that one sin is just as bad as the other, really gets me.
The consequences are more severe on earth for worse crimes, like steeling, rape, murder etc. But if God commanded us not to do something and we do it, even the sins that seem so small to us, hurt our heavenly Father.
Several times I have been in my little prayer corner feeling all good about myself and then I say, "God show me if something in me needs to be fixed" thinking I have it down pretty good, then, He does show me. He brings tears to my eyes and I repent once again.
He constantly leads me strait back to the cross. And brings a deeper layer of His love to me. As I realize I am just like the next sinner. I was lost, I was dirty, but He called me. And I still trip, stumble, and fall.
You don't become perfect when you become saved. You become His child, still human, still imperfect. But redeemed. Saved means when you sin you realize it, come to Him, lay it at His feet, and be constantly cleansed by His blood.
Jesus gave His life for everyone. "Whosoever shall believe in Him". He did it for the drunkard, the rapist, the thief, the prostitute,the homosexual, the murderer, AND the liar, the angry, the depressed, impure at heart. He died for me, He died for you, He died for all.
People are not the enemy, satin is. We need to share the love and words of freedom to everyone. And not be judgemental. It is Gods job to judge and ours to witness. We are called to spread the Gospel through the whole earth! Its not easy to do when we cant admit that we are not perfect.
But His beautiful grace has saved me! And I am redeemed! Jesus came and died for my sins so I don't have to be perfect. I have to trust in His name! And He will lead me!
So I pray someone gets somthing out of this. I just really felt like I had to write it. Thanks for listening!
~Out Of His Great Love~
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
His Presance
His presence is truly something to cherished. When I am in His presence I am lost to the world around me. He has my full attention. Just sitting at His feet, oh friends how I adore that place. Though I don't go there enough.
But when I finally give in to the call on my heart to come and sit with Him, its indescribable. The sheer power, yet peace. I cant begin to explain it. Sometimes I make it so complicated. When all He wants is for me to feel His love, His presence.
He will never leave me or forsake me. No matter how much I turn away, He is right there.
I want my everything, my core to desire Him. I am a broken, battered torn person. I'm rags, He is riches. Its only by His grace that I am changed for life.
So many times my life gets in way of being with Him. But I am learning. He's teaching me.
Why did He die for my sin? Why did He let His life be torn away from Him so I can live? That kind of love, I don't know if I will every comprehend it. Ever understand it. His love is so deep, deeper than anything we can imagine.
That love that He has for me, means that He has written the story of my life. He has a purpose for me. Every word of this story is His plan.
Peace. That's what I feel.
Thanks for listening.
~Out Of His Great Love~
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Your Love Is New With Each Morning
He has brought me through a place of brokenness I didn't know was there. I cant even explain how I felt. I had mono but I was hurting spiritually through that. But through lots of prayer from me and others I love. I now have a new found love for Him better than before.
Both of my grandfathers had meager surgery in the past month also. And I think the emotional and spiritual strain took its tole.
But all through it The LORD was right there, ready to catch me when I fell. No matter how much satin was kicking me when I was down. I think every time I go through a trial, I love God even more. He is so much more than I can even imagine.
He gives me strength through trials. His love seeps through me every morning. In the morning that's how I feel. His love is new for me with every breath I take.
Fear is always there to temp you, but He is always there too. And He is stronger than any fear.
I have learned to rely on the LORD through everything.
Also I have been learning that this is not our home. We cant put our strength and hope in this world and what happens here. We will only be let down. We are put here to live this life that He has planned, and we have to trust in Him.
The ONLY way I can get through trials is through Him.
I am dirty, He is perfect.
So I would just like to encourage each of you to cling to Him in everything. Trials, hurt, pain, wounds, scars, joy, peace, happiness,and love.
This song really sums up this post. ~Blessings~ By Laura Story
Both of my grandfathers had meager surgery in the past month also. And I think the emotional and spiritual strain took its tole.
But all through it The LORD was right there, ready to catch me when I fell. No matter how much satin was kicking me when I was down. I think every time I go through a trial, I love God even more. He is so much more than I can even imagine.
He gives me strength through trials. His love seeps through me every morning. In the morning that's how I feel. His love is new for me with every breath I take.
Fear is always there to temp you, but He is always there too. And He is stronger than any fear.
I have learned to rely on the LORD through everything.
Also I have been learning that this is not our home. We cant put our strength and hope in this world and what happens here. We will only be let down. We are put here to live this life that He has planned, and we have to trust in Him.
The ONLY way I can get through trials is through Him.
I am dirty, He is perfect.
So I would just like to encourage each of you to cling to Him in everything. Trials, hurt, pain, wounds, scars, joy, peace, happiness,and love.
This song really sums up this post. ~Blessings~ By Laura Story
Thanks for listening <3
~Greatly Blessed~
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My 50th post
Lately I have been thinking a lot about who I am. I know weird ;) But anyway, more specifically what kind of CHRISTian I am. Ive realized that I hide behind labels sometimes. "Stay-at-home-daughter" being the most common. I have been reading a blog that has been speaking about this. And even though I don't agree with everything she was saying. She brought up some points.
I cant use a title to live by. I want to be a CHRIST follower! I can only guess what people think when they see me, "Oh shes one of the skirt wearing CHRISTians" Oh a Stay-at-home-daughter". And those things don't bother me. What bothers me is when I don't strive to serve and challenge myself in my walk because of those labels. When I am content to just be known as those things.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't want to be known as a stay-at-home-daughter, I want to be known as a servant, as some one who doesn't focus on the worlds view of CHRISTians, but on The LORDs view of one.
I need not focus on what other CHRISTians me want me to be, but what His word says. That's what matters! You can "look" like the best CHRISTian in the world and still not be following God to the best of your ability.
Its so easy to fall into legalism also. But if your heart is not right. You will go nowhere! Jesus is THE way THE truth and THE light, and nobody, no matter how "good" a CHRISTian, can get anywhere unless they're heart is focused solely on Him!
So we can not hide behind labels. We must find ourselves only in Christ!
Thanks for listening! ;)
~CHRIST follower~
I cant use a title to live by. I want to be a CHRIST follower! I can only guess what people think when they see me, "Oh shes one of the skirt wearing CHRISTians" Oh a Stay-at-home-daughter". And those things don't bother me. What bothers me is when I don't strive to serve and challenge myself in my walk because of those labels. When I am content to just be known as those things.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't want to be known as a stay-at-home-daughter, I want to be known as a servant, as some one who doesn't focus on the worlds view of CHRISTians, but on The LORDs view of one.
I need not focus on what other CHRISTians me want me to be, but what His word says. That's what matters! You can "look" like the best CHRISTian in the world and still not be following God to the best of your ability.
Its so easy to fall into legalism also. But if your heart is not right. You will go nowhere! Jesus is THE way THE truth and THE light, and nobody, no matter how "good" a CHRISTian, can get anywhere unless they're heart is focused solely on Him!
So we can not hide behind labels. We must find ourselves only in Christ!
Thanks for listening! ;)
~CHRIST follower~
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I have been reading a lot about this. A few of the blogs I read have had posts about this in the past few days. With thanks giving fast approaching, I think its very important! I got this idea from my friends blog. To write 1,000 things thank I am thankful for. I started it today. Whenever I start to count my blessings its easy for the first few, then it seems to be harder. Why? Why is it hard to find things to be thankful for?
I have been going through some frustration lately. I have been physically unwell, and no one seems to be able to figure out whats wrong with me. I'm emotionally and spiritually drained it seems. But today I have made the decision to find the things in my life that are worth fighting for. That I'm thankful for. To pick up my cross every day and carry it. To never forget what my LORD did for me!
I will never let satin steel my joy and peace! That has been the hardest thing. Finding peace in this time when I don't know. I'm kind of a control freak. Not to the extent of a lot of people. But I don't like not being in control. That's something I have to let go of.
We are supposed to praise Him in the good times and the bad times. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! No matter what is happening!
Pain and sorrow, last for today. But joy and love will reign tomorrow!
So where ever you are, whatever you are doing. Stop and look around you and find things to be thankful for. Dig deep and find the things you don't usually think of.
Thank you LORD for everything!
~Greatly Blessed~
Rachel <3
Thursday, September 15, 2011
We Will NOT Compramise!
You hear it all the time, "cant we all just get along?", "cant we live in peace with each other?". The answer is no, sorry, but its not Gods will for us to just "live in peace". I'm not saying go start a war. But come on Christians! We are in a spiritual war here!
Why is the church, and individuals, so willing to compromise with the world? Why are people of other religions so willing to proclaim domination, but we are not? Muslims are the worst. They take a different approach to getting converts. Convert or die! Ofcourse there are not many here who go to those lengths, but their out there! And with this knowledge, how is it that we as Christians are the ones doing everything the world does. Saying "the way we get them is to do what they do". What? That is not what the word says we are to do!
We are to be an example for the world, set apart! We need to offer something different. Not say "see we are cool too!" I get so annoyed when people say things like that! Other religions don't back down! Atheists don't back down why are we?
Compromise is something we as Christan's should not do. Plain and simple. If we are always compromising how is our life style better? Different? Its not!
So that's just something that was stirring in me today. Thanks for listening!
~Greatly Blessed~
Rachel <3
Why is the church, and individuals, so willing to compromise with the world? Why are people of other religions so willing to proclaim domination, but we are not? Muslims are the worst. They take a different approach to getting converts. Convert or die! Ofcourse there are not many here who go to those lengths, but their out there! And with this knowledge, how is it that we as Christians are the ones doing everything the world does. Saying "the way we get them is to do what they do". What? That is not what the word says we are to do!
We are to be an example for the world, set apart! We need to offer something different. Not say "see we are cool too!" I get so annoyed when people say things like that! Other religions don't back down! Atheists don't back down why are we?
Compromise is something we as Christan's should not do. Plain and simple. If we are always compromising how is our life style better? Different? Its not!
So that's just something that was stirring in me today. Thanks for listening!
~Greatly Blessed~
Rachel <3
Monday, September 5, 2011
I Let Go
Lord, I let go. Of my hopes, my dreams, my desires. My everything. I give you control, take all of me. Use me for your kingdom building. Help me to get over my insecurity's, to be able to be the witness, the woman, you want me to be. To be able to put everything else aside.
Strip me down, to the core. Teach me the things You want me to know. I don't want to treat You like a religion. You are my Savior, my Friend, my Everything.
Don't let me fall into what everyone else wants. What the worlds idea of a "Christian" is. The only thing that I desire is to please you. To soak in everything you are. Not to fit You in. To fit everything else in my life around You.
Help me to see Your will and not my own. Help me to follow the story You have written. When people see me I want them to see You. Not the broken down old thing that I am. Apart from You I am nothing, I have nothing, I will be nothing.
But through Your love, Your great sacrifice. I am healed, set free, changed. And I comit my daily life. I take up my cross, I live to serve You.
Not to be a good Christian girl. But to be wholly and completely sold out, for the work of the Lamb.
~Greatly Blessed~
Strip me down, to the core. Teach me the things You want me to know. I don't want to treat You like a religion. You are my Savior, my Friend, my Everything.
Don't let me fall into what everyone else wants. What the worlds idea of a "Christian" is. The only thing that I desire is to please you. To soak in everything you are. Not to fit You in. To fit everything else in my life around You.
Help me to see Your will and not my own. Help me to follow the story You have written. When people see me I want them to see You. Not the broken down old thing that I am. Apart from You I am nothing, I have nothing, I will be nothing.
But through Your love, Your great sacrifice. I am healed, set free, changed. And I comit my daily life. I take up my cross, I live to serve You.
Not to be a good Christian girl. But to be wholly and completely sold out, for the work of the Lamb.
~Greatly Blessed~
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
In His Arms
Where do I see beauty?
Where do I find peace?
Where do I find worth?
Where do I rest?
Where do I sing for joy?
Where does my joy abound?
Where do I find my identity?
Where is my everlasting life?
Where do I find a cause to fight for?
Where is the beginning and the end?
Where is my life?
Where is love everlasting?
Where do I put my trust?
Where is purity?
Where can the hurting find healing?
Where is hope for the hopeless?
Where does my all in all stand?
In His Arms <3
~Greatly Blessed~
Where do I find peace?
Where do I find worth?
Where do I rest?
Where do I sing for joy?
Where does my joy abound?
Where do I find my identity?
Where is my everlasting life?
Where do I find a cause to fight for?
Where is the beginning and the end?
Where is my life?
Where is love everlasting?
Where do I put my trust?
Where is purity?
Where can the hurting find healing?
Where is hope for the hopeless?
Where does my all in all stand?
In His Arms <3
~Greatly Blessed~
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Right Kind Of Purity!
This seems to be such a touchy subject. But I believe the world looks at it the wrong way. It is not supposed to be a restriction, though you do have to have self control. But when you truly look at purity, it is a freedom, a freedom to put your faith in Christ that He will show you your perfect match. Purity in its true sense is not to be as close to the ways of the world as you can be but still have a "pure" body. Purity is rejoicing that God is in control so we don't have the pressures that those of the world have, trying to make ourselves physically appealing to the opposite gender, and always looking for a boy friend. Personally I rejoice in my purity every day! Because it means that one day I can give myself, my whole self to my husband! When we are pure it bring joy to our Savior. Now I don't know about you, but I like bringing joy to my Savior ;) He says right in His word that He wants us to be pure! Pure for Him!
Now I believe that modesty ties into this too. And again, touchy subject. But I think that modesty should be an outward appearance of the joy of purity. Dressing modestly does not mean you have to dress in a sack that covers you from head to toe! Dressing modestly also blesses Our Savior! And more than that even, when you make the choice to dress in a modest way, you are helping your brothers in Christ! Christian young men say it all the time, they convey their daily struggles with lust and temptation. And they are over joyed that there are young women that care enough about them to cover themselves to reduce temptation and lust! So dressing modestly is not only a help and statement to your purity, its helping out the guys too!
I think purity is presented in an offencive way so much that girls seem to think that its like being in bondage. Not being able to look cute in some shorty shorts, not being able "be with" their boy friends or others. I think if it was presented correctly, if people were told, that purity is a freedom we have as Christians, and explained as something beautiful, maybe peoples opinion would change.
My experience with purity has been wonderful, and such a blessing. This is the right kind of purity, rejoicing that you are a new creation!
Thanks for stopping by ;)
~Living By His Grace~
Now I believe that modesty ties into this too. And again, touchy subject. But I think that modesty should be an outward appearance of the joy of purity. Dressing modestly does not mean you have to dress in a sack that covers you from head to toe! Dressing modestly also blesses Our Savior! And more than that even, when you make the choice to dress in a modest way, you are helping your brothers in Christ! Christian young men say it all the time, they convey their daily struggles with lust and temptation. And they are over joyed that there are young women that care enough about them to cover themselves to reduce temptation and lust! So dressing modestly is not only a help and statement to your purity, its helping out the guys too!
I think purity is presented in an offencive way so much that girls seem to think that its like being in bondage. Not being able to look cute in some shorty shorts, not being able "be with" their boy friends or others. I think if it was presented correctly, if people were told, that purity is a freedom we have as Christians, and explained as something beautiful, maybe peoples opinion would change.
My experience with purity has been wonderful, and such a blessing. This is the right kind of purity, rejoicing that you are a new creation!
Thanks for stopping by ;)
~Living By His Grace~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Where will I be, in ten years? Married, kids? I don't know. And that's hard for me, not knowing, each and every chapter of my life. All I know is the chapter I'm in right now. Sometimes sweet, sometimes boring, and sometimes down right hard!
Sometimes I think I should have been born in a different time. Just because of my ideas and things, among "young people" in this time, I'm strange. When I first entered into the teen years, I had no idea the changes the Lord had in store for me, not just in the world around me but in me. I've learned so much in the past few years, about myself, my family, and The Lord.
Purity was just something my parents talked about, never really important to me. That changed. I went from trying to fit in with all the "cool" people to not really caring what they thought. I was me, but more than that I was pursuing a deep relationship with The Lord. I struggled to find Friends. But they all just seemed to go a way I did not want to go. Casual dating, immodesty, and clicks. Oy the the clicks! I considered my sister and brother to be my best Friends, I still do. But I'm a talker and wanted to have all these Friends around me. That changed too, I began to get closer to the Lord, and through that began to see people differently, and as time went on the Lord blessed me with a few good Friends. And its funny because most of them live far from me and I cant see them but I still love them so much and thank God for them! Now back to the purity thing, I started to view it differently too. The Lord pressed on my heart to begin to really look at that the importance of purity. What it meant, for my relationship with Him and even my future marriage. I was pure in the flesh, but I just hadn't made that commitment in my soul yet. But as time went on I learned that that was my desire, to save myself completely for my husband. To have a have pure courtship and marriage.
Another thing I learned about myself was my love for writing. Several people said things about a gift in writing they saw in me. So I stared a blog (obviously). I found comfort in writing down my feeling, beliefs, and idea's. And people would say that they loved my blog. One woman we know now addresses my mom as "mother of the writer" lol.
Anyway all that to say, I'm not where I thought I would be a few years ago. But I'm so glad I'm here. So I don't know where I will be in ten years. But this I do know, it will be where He wants me to be. And that's fine with me :) Even if I do have a hard time giving my future to Him.
~Living In Grace~
Sometimes I think I should have been born in a different time. Just because of my ideas and things, among "young people" in this time, I'm strange. When I first entered into the teen years, I had no idea the changes the Lord had in store for me, not just in the world around me but in me. I've learned so much in the past few years, about myself, my family, and The Lord.
Purity was just something my parents talked about, never really important to me. That changed. I went from trying to fit in with all the "cool" people to not really caring what they thought. I was me, but more than that I was pursuing a deep relationship with The Lord. I struggled to find Friends. But they all just seemed to go a way I did not want to go. Casual dating, immodesty, and clicks. Oy the the clicks! I considered my sister and brother to be my best Friends, I still do. But I'm a talker and wanted to have all these Friends around me. That changed too, I began to get closer to the Lord, and through that began to see people differently, and as time went on the Lord blessed me with a few good Friends. And its funny because most of them live far from me and I cant see them but I still love them so much and thank God for them! Now back to the purity thing, I started to view it differently too. The Lord pressed on my heart to begin to really look at that the importance of purity. What it meant, for my relationship with Him and even my future marriage. I was pure in the flesh, but I just hadn't made that commitment in my soul yet. But as time went on I learned that that was my desire, to save myself completely for my husband. To have a have pure courtship and marriage.
Another thing I learned about myself was my love for writing. Several people said things about a gift in writing they saw in me. So I stared a blog (obviously). I found comfort in writing down my feeling, beliefs, and idea's. And people would say that they loved my blog. One woman we know now addresses my mom as "mother of the writer" lol.
Anyway all that to say, I'm not where I thought I would be a few years ago. But I'm so glad I'm here. So I don't know where I will be in ten years. But this I do know, it will be where He wants me to be. And that's fine with me :) Even if I do have a hard time giving my future to Him.
~Living In Grace~
Saturday, July 9, 2011

So look around you today and saver what you have, thank Him for this time in your life.
~Living In Grace~
Thursday, July 7, 2011
{Warning, this post will be full of loving on little kiddo's :)} Those who know me (well I think most of them :) Know that I loooooooove children. And if there are little one's around, most likely I will have one on my lap or be chasing one around or pitching a baseball to one or of course tickling one ;) It wasn't like that a couple years ago, at least not as much. Everyone would say, Christy is so good with kids! And I would be off playing football (shutter's), or baseball, then when I got a little older I just wanted to be with the older girls (oy) Sure I wanted to be a babysitter, but mostly because I was old enough and because i would be making money. Yes I thought kids were cute and all but it wasn't until the last few years I really developed a love for children. I cant really explain it. I just love to be around kids :) I find a joy in making young ones giggle and grin and show their little dimple's :)
But more than that I feel a calling on my life to care for and teach little ones. And what better time in my life to do that than now, of course when I have children my caring and teaching will be to them. But for now I will content to love on other peoples children :)
Children are a beautiful thing. So Innocent and fun loving. Everything they say seems to be comical (Although some things you must hold your laughter) Everything is so new to them, amazing! Even when you don't think they are they're watching your every move, learning how 'big people' do things. So when little kids say things like "I want to be like you when I grow up" Its sometimes a bigger complement then anything else :)
I feel a responsibility to set an example for children younger than me. For them to learn from my mistakes and treat them like their opinions matter but that they still must obey.
Anyway I think I'm through with my rambling on ;)
~All For Christ~
But more than that I feel a calling on my life to care for and teach little ones. And what better time in my life to do that than now, of course when I have children my caring and teaching will be to them. But for now I will content to love on other peoples children :)
Children are a beautiful thing. So Innocent and fun loving. Everything they say seems to be comical (Although some things you must hold your laughter) Everything is so new to them, amazing! Even when you don't think they are they're watching your every move, learning how 'big people' do things. So when little kids say things like "I want to be like you when I grow up" Its sometimes a bigger complement then anything else :)
I feel a responsibility to set an example for children younger than me. For them to learn from my mistakes and treat them like their opinions matter but that they still must obey.
Anyway I think I'm through with my rambling on ;)
~All For Christ~
Monday, June 27, 2011
How did He do it?
How did He take this torn, broken, lifeless form, and give me hope unbreakable.
How could He hang there on that cross, for ME?
How can He forgive me every time I rebel against the commands He has given me?
How can He hold me when peace seems so far away, knowing the things I have done?
How can He carry me when I can not walk on my own, when I have turned my back so many times?
How can He pick me up every time I fall, when I have ceased to profess His name when He gave me so many opportunity's?
How can He catch my every tear, and turn it into hope? How can such a love be real?
These are questions in my heart. How can it be? I don't understand. Why didn't He leave me for dead? That's what I deserved. I have defied Him so many times. I was a lost cause. But still He stayed by me until I let go, until I surrendered and stopped fighting the very thing that gives me peace. Though I don't understand how. This I know for sure, I am His and He is mine. And no mater what, He wont let me go, wont let me fall, slip, or slide. And I will spend the rest of my life striving to become what He has created me to be. I'm sold out, committed, and fighting for Him!
~All For Christ~
How did He take this torn, broken, lifeless form, and give me hope unbreakable.
How could He hang there on that cross, for ME?
How can He forgive me every time I rebel against the commands He has given me?
How can He hold me when peace seems so far away, knowing the things I have done?
How can He carry me when I can not walk on my own, when I have turned my back so many times?
How can He pick me up every time I fall, when I have ceased to profess His name when He gave me so many opportunity's?
How can He catch my every tear, and turn it into hope? How can such a love be real?
These are questions in my heart. How can it be? I don't understand. Why didn't He leave me for dead? That's what I deserved. I have defied Him so many times. I was a lost cause. But still He stayed by me until I let go, until I surrendered and stopped fighting the very thing that gives me peace. Though I don't understand how. This I know for sure, I am His and He is mine. And no mater what, He wont let me go, wont let me fall, slip, or slide. And I will spend the rest of my life striving to become what He has created me to be. I'm sold out, committed, and fighting for Him!
~All For Christ~
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Why YOUR best?
When did the saying "Do your best" come into play? Why is America so obsessed with doing their best? There's a quote I like allot it go's, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got". When someone hears "do your best" they get a satisfied feeling, like, okay well I did my best and that's all I can do. No! We have to go for more! We need to stop settling for "our best" and go for "His best" for us. Because His plans for us surpass anything we could ever dream of. Our best is not even close to His best.
He has already written our life story, all we have to do is put our trust in Him. Easy right? Well not always. I heard a song lyric the other day that said "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans". Sometimes this is so true. Just when you think you got it figured out, boom He throws you a curve ball.
I've learned that sometimes my plans are so much different than His, that it's quite amazing to me. When storms of pain and brokenness blow through my life He reminds me that He is in control, and no mater what His perfect plan for my life will play out in His timing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is when you feel that you've done your best, dig deeper. Go for His best.
~All For Christ~
P.s I kinda go off subject sometimes huh ;)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Like a little seed
My faith is like a seed. It was planted into the ground, and then it began to take root. I began to see the depth of love my Savior had for me. Then it had a little sprout, I began to see the depth of need that I had for my savior. Then it grew a little taller, I began to let my faith shine through to the outside. Then it grew a little bud, I began trust His plans for me. Then it blossomed, and I began to be completely sold out and living for Him. And sometimes it closes up in fear, and sometimes it gets dry, and sometimes it gets covered. But with Him as the gardener, I will always blossom into a deeper beauty, brighter colors, and have my thirst satisfied. He will always fix my petals, mend my torn leaves, and care for me. Dear Lord give me sunshine, water, and nutrition so that I may continue to grow, with each passing day, to grow into the full, rich, fruitful, beautiful person you've called me to be.
~All For Christ~
~All For Christ~
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Words can heal, words can hurt.
Words can give, words can steal.
Words give hope to the lost.
Words explain the cost.
They fly from lips on fire from Christ.
But also keep the lost intised.
To continue to live a life of sin.
Those kind of words, they just wont win.
Words can show some one you care.
Words are something to be shared.
Though we don't always use them right.
Words can turn a dark day bright.
When Christ was dieing on the cross.
He used them to convey the loss.
He used them to teach the way to life.
And cut through darkness like a knife.
Words can be a declaration.
And show some ones determination.
Words can tell of beauty.
And tell some one their call to duty.
They can tell of joyous news.
And give some one some subtle clues.
When they are concealed inside.
You midas well be against the tied.
Words are something to be cherished.
So be carefull, don't be careless.
How will you use your words? Words change everything. So think before you speak. They show the world who you are. Who will you be?
I hope you enjoyed my humble mushings :)
~All For Christ~
Words can give, words can steal.
Words give hope to the lost.
Words explain the cost.
They fly from lips on fire from Christ.
But also keep the lost intised.
To continue to live a life of sin.
Those kind of words, they just wont win.
Words can show some one you care.
Words are something to be shared.
Though we don't always use them right.
Words can turn a dark day bright.
When Christ was dieing on the cross.
He used them to convey the loss.
He used them to teach the way to life.
And cut through darkness like a knife.
Words can be a declaration.
And show some ones determination.
Words can tell of beauty.
And tell some one their call to duty.
They can tell of joyous news.
And give some one some subtle clues.
When they are concealed inside.
You midas well be against the tied.
Words are something to be cherished.
So be carefull, don't be careless.
How will you use your words? Words change everything. So think before you speak. They show the world who you are. Who will you be?
I hope you enjoyed my humble mushings :)
~All For Christ~
Midnight Prayers
When the light of day has ceased, and all is still. They seem to pour from the souls of those tired and and weary. Some cry out in desperation, others whisper in sweet contentment. Hearts in silence speak louder than words. When the mind is settled,the heart can be heard. Though it is not always like this. At time it seems their is a battle between mind and soul. A battle for first place, a battle of importance. And at times the mind is victorious and the trials of the day come out of hiding. Though when the speaks, His peace springs up as wild flowers. Only then can the mind even begin to handle the every day giant. A heart in love needs time with its beloved. A what better time then when you are done with the day, when rest finds you. When all that's left to do is pour out your everything to Him, and let Him mend and heal as no one else can. The brokenness of your soul can only be fixed one way. His way. And though I can not begin to put into words, His over whelming Love, Joy, and Peace. I can sure try ;)
~All For Christ~
~All For Christ~
Sunday, May 1, 2011
"You are a daughter of The King, so hold out for a man who has royal blood coursing through his veins" ~Leslie Ludy~
When I read this quote, it makes me so happy! That I don't have to worry about who I end up with, all I have to do is wait for His perfect timing. When He lets me know, he's the "one", and my prince and I get married and live happily ever after :). But also that until then I can be content to be His daughter and to grow even closer with Him with each passing day.
That's not to say I never get tired of waiting for that, on the contrary I do, really what girl doesn't? And though it gets hard I gotta keep pushing through! I have chosen to use these "single" years to grow stronger in my faith, and to grow closer to the beautiful wonderful one I call Savior :).
But it also makes me sad to think about the young women that miss that message. Those who take their single years to just "have fun" and do whatever floats their boat. How many girls have given themselves away for something less? How many felt that the only way to be "loved" is to be with guys that will only break them apart instead of realizing the depth of love that they can experience when they give themselves to the true Prince, the only One that can truly give them undying perfect amazing wonderful love. It makes me want to cry.
But what can we do? We can tell them!!! I know I myself fall short of His will so many times. And I'm so unworthy of this love. We are all imperfect, all unworthy, and all dirty. But by His grace we are set free! By His love we will prevail!!! Tell the world that!!! Tell those lost and without peace that there is peace in the Father!
How wonderful to be His daughter!
~All For Christ~
When I read this quote, it makes me so happy! That I don't have to worry about who I end up with, all I have to do is wait for His perfect timing. When He lets me know, he's the "one", and my prince and I get married and live happily ever after :). But also that until then I can be content to be His daughter and to grow even closer with Him with each passing day.
That's not to say I never get tired of waiting for that, on the contrary I do, really what girl doesn't? And though it gets hard I gotta keep pushing through! I have chosen to use these "single" years to grow stronger in my faith, and to grow closer to the beautiful wonderful one I call Savior :).
But it also makes me sad to think about the young women that miss that message. Those who take their single years to just "have fun" and do whatever floats their boat. How many girls have given themselves away for something less? How many felt that the only way to be "loved" is to be with guys that will only break them apart instead of realizing the depth of love that they can experience when they give themselves to the true Prince, the only One that can truly give them undying perfect amazing wonderful love. It makes me want to cry.
But what can we do? We can tell them!!! I know I myself fall short of His will so many times. And I'm so unworthy of this love. We are all imperfect, all unworthy, and all dirty. But by His grace we are set free! By His love we will prevail!!! Tell the world that!!! Tell those lost and without peace that there is peace in the Father!
How wonderful to be His daughter!
~All For Christ~
Saturday, April 30, 2011
How can I keep from singing?
Some of you may know that title is from a Chris Tomlin song. I was listening to it recently and it got me thinking, how can we keep from singing? When a Savior so perfect would die on the cross for our sins, so that we could live with Him forever. And loved us so much that He would go through the level of pain that He did. How can we not be giddy with joy? Why do we let ourselves be "silent" Christians? Why don't people hear us singing worship songs in the grocery store? Why do we think its just for church, or for our devotion times?
I remember one time I was singing to myself not really thinking just singing about Jesus, and this lady came up to me and said something to me about how it sounded nice, and instead of being happy that she heard me and what I was singing I got all embarrassed and thought "I need to sing quieter". Why would I think that? Even if I sounded horrible (thank goodness I didn't) shouldn't I have been happy that she heard the words? Why have I been letting the worlds idea of "normal", dictate who and what I am?
I don't know about you but when I think of what He did for me, I want to sing! Now don't go starting a protest. But don't be afraid to sing or to wear that shirt that gets someones attention, so that you can talk to them, or just to let other Christians know, hey your not alone! :) Well that's all the rambling for today. Thanks for listening.
~All For Christ~
P.s If you could let me know what you think by commenting. It really helps me in my writing. Thanks :)
I remember one time I was singing to myself not really thinking just singing about Jesus, and this lady came up to me and said something to me about how it sounded nice, and instead of being happy that she heard me and what I was singing I got all embarrassed and thought "I need to sing quieter". Why would I think that? Even if I sounded horrible (thank goodness I didn't) shouldn't I have been happy that she heard the words? Why have I been letting the worlds idea of "normal", dictate who and what I am?
I don't know about you but when I think of what He did for me, I want to sing! Now don't go starting a protest. But don't be afraid to sing or to wear that shirt that gets someones attention, so that you can talk to them, or just to let other Christians know, hey your not alone! :) Well that's all the rambling for today. Thanks for listening.
~All For Christ~
P.s If you could let me know what you think by commenting. It really helps me in my writing. Thanks :)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thank you Jesus
Thank you, for coming.
Thank you, for healing.
Thank you, for teaching.
Thank you, for praying.
Thank you, for letting them beat you.
Thank you, for wearing that crown.
Thank you, for carrying that cross.
Thank you, for hanging there.
Thank you, for bearing my sins.
Thank you, for dying.
Thank you, FOR RISING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Easter more then ever I think, because of my mom being so sick, and not being able to do the hustle and bustle of the normal Easter stuff, I've been thinking allot more about why we really do celebrate it. It's not the candy (though some may beg to differ :) ) it's not the eggs, it's not the Bunnie's, it's not even getting all gussied up to go to church on Easter morn. The real reason we celebrate this time of year, is because of our savior JESUS CHRIST! Because He rose from the grave, He gave us eternal hope and joy! A reason to live! And for that gift I myself will forever be thankful for! So this Easter no matter how busy it gets how much you have to cook, how much candy you have to get, how you have to make sure all your kids look presentable, how much stress you have, make sure you take the time to remember why we do celebrate. Because if you do you will have an amazing Easter!
~All For Christ~
Thank you, for healing.
Thank you, for teaching.
Thank you, for praying.
Thank you, for letting them beat you.
Thank you, for wearing that crown.
Thank you, for carrying that cross.
Thank you, for hanging there.
Thank you, for bearing my sins.
Thank you, for dying.
Thank you, FOR RISING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Easter more then ever I think, because of my mom being so sick, and not being able to do the hustle and bustle of the normal Easter stuff, I've been thinking allot more about why we really do celebrate it. It's not the candy (though some may beg to differ :) ) it's not the eggs, it's not the Bunnie's, it's not even getting all gussied up to go to church on Easter morn. The real reason we celebrate this time of year, is because of our savior JESUS CHRIST! Because He rose from the grave, He gave us eternal hope and joy! A reason to live! And for that gift I myself will forever be thankful for! So this Easter no matter how busy it gets how much you have to cook, how much candy you have to get, how you have to make sure all your kids look presentable, how much stress you have, make sure you take the time to remember why we do celebrate. Because if you do you will have an amazing Easter!
~All For Christ~
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Fight For It
Its time! Its time to lift up your fist's! Get your Bible! Take up the sword of the spirit! We are in a bloody war. And if you can't see that, that's a problem! Don't try to just "fit in" with the world. Don't compromise! Fight the evil lurching around us! He spoke for us, loved us, bled for us, was beaten for, was hung on a cross for us, prayed for us, died for us, lived for us! The least we can do is fight to see that His name is not taken out of our land completely. They may take His name off our money, keep Him out of our schools and work places. But they can not and will not keep us from fighting, fighting for His name, fighting so that children have a chance to see the light of day, fighting so that His love can be seen! Who will stand with me? Who will change the world with me? How can we stand by and watch them crucify Him again through the corruption in our land? We can not reach the world through compromise, we've gotta show them that there is something different, that we have something that gives us hope and love! I don't mean to ramble on, but I just feel like the children of God need to stand up for their Father! We also need to come together as a family, as brothers and sisters in Christ. Encourage and lift each other up. Go to each other when we are hurting, and when we are joyful. Because none of us are better or more loved than the other. We were all lost, we were all sinners. But we have been adopted into the best ever! Lets embrace it! Hope I didn't bore you :) ~Out Of His Great Love~ Rachel http:// P.s This is a really great song and video!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The strongest people are not the ones with all the fame money and power. They are the ones who can say that they are week, the ones that know that at there strongest there is one stronger, who's weakness is stronger than there strength.
They are those who's words are much, much stronger than there fists. Those who make it through rough times, understated and alone, yet not alone. Those who pick themselves up and go on. The strongest are those who help the weakest.
Strong, what comes to mind? Our world today would say, has big muscles and can lift a car or something like that. Not me, for I know what strong really means.
It means, a man leading and taking care of his family, but knows he cant do it alone. A mother who trusts in Him in the depths of mourning over children seen and unseen. A child suffering from illness yet is still full of smiles that bring joy to all who witness them. A young man in school standing up for his faith even when he's told to keep from speaking.
They can not be stoped, they will not be silenced, in the depths of fear they turn to there Savior, they cry out to the One who hears them, the One who takes care of there every need.
Most of all its the One who went through the pain, the suffering, the ridicule, and death to bring life and forgiveness to all who will take it.
I don't know about you but I want to be one of the strongest.
They are those who's words are much, much stronger than there fists. Those who make it through rough times, understated and alone, yet not alone. Those who pick themselves up and go on. The strongest are those who help the weakest.
Strong, what comes to mind? Our world today would say, has big muscles and can lift a car or something like that. Not me, for I know what strong really means.
It means, a man leading and taking care of his family, but knows he cant do it alone. A mother who trusts in Him in the depths of mourning over children seen and unseen. A child suffering from illness yet is still full of smiles that bring joy to all who witness them. A young man in school standing up for his faith even when he's told to keep from speaking.
They can not be stoped, they will not be silenced, in the depths of fear they turn to there Savior, they cry out to the One who hears them, the One who takes care of there every need.
Most of all its the One who went through the pain, the suffering, the ridicule, and death to bring life and forgiveness to all who will take it.
I don't know about you but I want to be one of the strongest.
Friday, February 25, 2011
I am the character
I really love writing. But in the story of my life, I am the character, He is the author. He has all ready written my story, who I'll marry, what children I will have, works of faith I will do, what I will do when I mess up my part. He is the vine, I am the branches, He is the potter, I am the clay. I can do nothing except through Him. All I am, all I have is in Him. My story will have a happy ending, because I'll be with Him!
~Out Of His Great Love~
~Out Of His Great Love~
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Have you ever been in that place where God takes you and you didn't know was there? Well I have just come out of one of those places. It was not fun!!! But I am soo glad that He took me there!
Well that's all I have to say right now.
~Out Of His Great Love~
Well that's all I have to say right now.
~Out Of His Great Love~
Friday, February 4, 2011
My Jesus, My Lord
I came across this the other day, I wrote it awhile ago and decided to finish it. Hope you like it.
My Jesus, my Lord You are my sword.
You always guide me through the night, and wake me with the morning light.
You always love me like there's no tomorrow, even in my deepest sorrow.
Even when I treat You wrong, still You sing Your greatest song.
The one that gets me through it all, while You stand so mighty so tall.
My life belongs to You because You gave your life to me, even though I did not see.
The glory of Your love shines bright, my heart is filled with great delight.
Though this world will drag me down, still I know I'm heaven bound.
For Your love for me is far beyond, it is an ocean not a pond.
And I shall tell the world of You, for Your love has seen me through.
So through my life time I will shout! For You have loved me inside and out.
And though I may not understand, why I must walk this weary land.
I believe Your holding me, You've payed my debt and my fee.
You suffered a long and painful death to bring me new life, and so I must tell the world of Your great might.
When You spoke a lion roared, My Jesus my Lord.
~By Rachel Wydick~
~Out Of His Great Love~
My Jesus, my Lord You are my sword.
You always guide me through the night, and wake me with the morning light.
You always love me like there's no tomorrow, even in my deepest sorrow.
Even when I treat You wrong, still You sing Your greatest song.
The one that gets me through it all, while You stand so mighty so tall.
My life belongs to You because You gave your life to me, even though I did not see.
The glory of Your love shines bright, my heart is filled with great delight.
Though this world will drag me down, still I know I'm heaven bound.
For Your love for me is far beyond, it is an ocean not a pond.
And I shall tell the world of You, for Your love has seen me through.
So through my life time I will shout! For You have loved me inside and out.
And though I may not understand, why I must walk this weary land.
I believe Your holding me, You've payed my debt and my fee.
You suffered a long and painful death to bring me new life, and so I must tell the world of Your great might.
When You spoke a lion roared, My Jesus my Lord.
~By Rachel Wydick~
~Out Of His Great Love~
Saturday, January 29, 2011
~Love is patient, love is kind. I does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. I always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 4-8.
We have all heard this verse, do we really try to carry it out? Jesus said "love your enemy's" so that means that we are to be all these things to them, witch I'm sure not everyone is. Nobody is 24-7. I cant even be this way with my family all the time.
Think how it would be if we could love like this, if we could just forget things that have been done to us by others, not be rude, not be self-seeking. Wouldn't that be awesome? I think it would be. The thing is we are supposed to change the world that way. Think if each one of us where like this with just one person, and they with just one. We could shake this world! We could set it on fire with love. And no I don't mean like the hippie's did. But like Jesus taught us to.
Love can not fall in and out like the movies say. "Oh our love just is not there anymore". Love is a choice, yes there is a such thing as attraction but it does not become love until you make that choice to love no matter what, when your angry at each other, when some one is sick, when they let you down. We as people are going to let each other down, we are human for goodness sake, but the true love comes out when that happens, when we love some one even though they let us down, we are really loving, God loves us even when we sin.
Isn't that amazing? I can never ever love like that. Love. Lets try to love like this in the coming week. I know I'm going to try.
Well I hope this can challenge you to love as He loved.
~Out Of His Great Love~
We have all heard this verse, do we really try to carry it out? Jesus said "love your enemy's" so that means that we are to be all these things to them, witch I'm sure not everyone is. Nobody is 24-7. I cant even be this way with my family all the time.
Think how it would be if we could love like this, if we could just forget things that have been done to us by others, not be rude, not be self-seeking. Wouldn't that be awesome? I think it would be. The thing is we are supposed to change the world that way. Think if each one of us where like this with just one person, and they with just one. We could shake this world! We could set it on fire with love. And no I don't mean like the hippie's did. But like Jesus taught us to.
Love can not fall in and out like the movies say. "Oh our love just is not there anymore". Love is a choice, yes there is a such thing as attraction but it does not become love until you make that choice to love no matter what, when your angry at each other, when some one is sick, when they let you down. We as people are going to let each other down, we are human for goodness sake, but the true love comes out when that happens, when we love some one even though they let us down, we are really loving, God loves us even when we sin.
Isn't that amazing? I can never ever love like that. Love. Lets try to love like this in the coming week. I know I'm going to try.
Well I hope this can challenge you to love as He loved.
~Out Of His Great Love~
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Because of you
Because of you, I live. Because of you, I breath. Because of you, I hope. Because of you, I have purpose. Because of you, I died to me. Because of you, I face each day. Because of you, I can go through the pain. Because of you, I will remain pure. Because of you, I can say death has no grip. Because of you, I sing. Because of you, I will fight. Because of you, I will stand. Because of you, I will win. Because of you, I have been washed clean. Because of you, I have been reborn. Because of you, I will shout to all that Jesus saves! Because of you. ~Out Of His Great Love~ Rachel
Friday, January 21, 2011
Create in me a clean heart
Lord give me your eyes. Give me your ears. Give me your heart. Let me be your hands and your feet here on earth. Break my heart for what breaks yours. Take me to the places no one will go, to help the unhelpable. To touch the untouchable. I want to be more than this world. This love is crazy, I must be out of my mind, and if I am I don't want to get back in. For this is life, that we live it for the glory of Him who created life, who lived life only to have it taken from Him, but not only taken, but beaten and torn away. And so I live. For His glory, for honor, and because of His love. To live is to die to ones flesh. I have died and therefore I live
By Rachel Wydick
~Out Of His Great Love~
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Proverbs 31:30
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
This is one of not only my favorite verses but chapters in the bible. The reason being that it kindles my fire to be a set apart young woman.In the world it is popular these days to be an independent woman, to prove to men that we are better than them, that we don't need them. But hey guess what.... We need them!!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the truth. When I look at today's "Young women" it makes me sad, because all they want is to leave there parents, to be there "own person" and not to "settle" for marriage because it would mean that they would have to settle down and be wives. And there are those who when they get married they feel like they should be the boss and not let there husbands be in charge of them, and they warn them before marriage "You wont be bossing me around" "Don't think I'll be doing all the house work you will do your far share". But the bible says,"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to there husbands in everything". I don't know about you but I think that's pretty clear. But it also goes on to say, " Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself to her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church- for we are members of the body. That's pretty cool! As Christ loved the church? He died for the church, a man is called to love his wife so much he would give his life for her. So the way I see it we don't loose out at all, come on! So anyway that's my Sunday ramblings I hope you could make sense of it. I just wanted to say that it's okay if we are the weaker gender. Even before we are married.
Well that's all for now.
~Out Of His Great Love~
P.s more at a later date.
This is one of not only my favorite verses but chapters in the bible. The reason being that it kindles my fire to be a set apart young woman.In the world it is popular these days to be an independent woman, to prove to men that we are better than them, that we don't need them. But hey guess what.... We need them!!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the truth. When I look at today's "Young women" it makes me sad, because all they want is to leave there parents, to be there "own person" and not to "settle" for marriage because it would mean that they would have to settle down and be wives. And there are those who when they get married they feel like they should be the boss and not let there husbands be in charge of them, and they warn them before marriage "You wont be bossing me around" "Don't think I'll be doing all the house work you will do your far share". But the bible says,"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to there husbands in everything". I don't know about you but I think that's pretty clear. But it also goes on to say, " Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself to her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church- for we are members of the body. That's pretty cool! As Christ loved the church? He died for the church, a man is called to love his wife so much he would give his life for her. So the way I see it we don't loose out at all, come on! So anyway that's my Sunday ramblings I hope you could make sense of it. I just wanted to say that it's okay if we are the weaker gender. Even before we are married.
Well that's all for now.
~Out Of His Great Love~
P.s more at a later date.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
2:30 am
That's what time it was when God gave me this. So I am now going to share it with you.
Never Enough,
How could I ever have enough time, enough of You? Never, there is never enough time, the right amount. Never that feeling, ahhhh no more, I am full. And if there is I have not found it, I could not even fathom that of "enough". For every moment leaves me with a yearning for more. Satisfaction will not come to my lips. For when I am with Him my world stops. No time floats by. How could it for He is time, water, sky, life. And without Him I would be no more. Though my flesh would live, breath, walk and run. I would be dead. For I live for Him, by Him, and because of His love and mercy. So you see no amount of time could ever satisfy me. For it will never be enough.
So that's what I wrote at 2:30 am
~Out Of His Great Love~
Never Enough,
How could I ever have enough time, enough of You? Never, there is never enough time, the right amount. Never that feeling, ahhhh no more, I am full. And if there is I have not found it, I could not even fathom that of "enough". For every moment leaves me with a yearning for more. Satisfaction will not come to my lips. For when I am with Him my world stops. No time floats by. How could it for He is time, water, sky, life. And without Him I would be no more. Though my flesh would live, breath, walk and run. I would be dead. For I live for Him, by Him, and because of His love and mercy. So you see no amount of time could ever satisfy me. For it will never be enough.
So that's what I wrote at 2:30 am
~Out Of His Great Love~
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