Thursday, October 6, 2011

My 50th post

Lately I have been thinking a lot about who I am. I know weird ;) But anyway, more specifically what kind of CHRISTian I am. Ive realized that I hide behind labels sometimes. "Stay-at-home-daughter" being the most common. I have been reading a blog that has been speaking about this. And even though I don't agree with everything she was saying. She brought up some points.

I cant use a title to live by. I want to be a CHRIST follower! I can only guess what people think when they see me, "Oh shes one of the skirt wearing CHRISTians" Oh a Stay-at-home-daughter". And those things don't bother me. What bothers me is when I don't strive to serve and challenge myself in my walk because of those labels. When I am content to just be known as those things.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't want to be known as a stay-at-home-daughter, I want to be known as a servant, as some one who doesn't focus on the worlds view of CHRISTians, but on The LORDs view of one.

I need not focus on what other CHRISTians me want me to be, but what His word says. That's what matters! You can "look" like the best CHRISTian in the world and still not be following God to the best of your ability.

Its so easy to fall into legalism also. But if your heart is not right. You will go nowhere! Jesus is THE way THE truth and THE light, and nobody, no matter how "good" a CHRISTian, can get anywhere unless they're heart is focused solely on Him!

So we can not hide behind labels. We must find ourselves only in Christ!

Thanks for listening! ;)

~CHRIST follower~

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