Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Where will I be, in ten years? Married, kids? I don't know. And that's hard for me, not knowing, each and every chapter of my life. All I know is the chapter I'm in right now. Sometimes sweet, sometimes boring, and sometimes down right hard!

Sometimes I think I should have been born in a different time. Just because of my ideas and things, among "young people" in this time, I'm strange. When I first entered into the teen years, I had no idea the changes the Lord had in store for me, not just in the world around me but in me. I've learned so much in the past few years, about myself, my family, and The Lord.

Purity was just something my parents talked about, never really important to me. That changed. I went from trying to fit in with all the "cool" people to not really caring what they thought. I was me, but more than that I was pursuing a deep relationship with The Lord. I struggled to find Friends. But they all just seemed to go a way I did not want to go. Casual dating, immodesty, and clicks. Oy the the clicks! I considered my sister and brother to be my best Friends, I still do. But I'm a talker and wanted to have all these Friends around me. That changed too, I began to get closer to the Lord, and through that began to see people differently, and as time went on the Lord blessed me with a few good Friends. And its funny because most of them live far from me and I cant see them but I still love them so much and thank God for them! Now back to the purity thing, I started to view it differently too. The Lord pressed on my heart to begin to really look at that the importance of purity. What it meant, for my relationship with Him and even my future marriage. I was pure in the flesh, but I just hadn't made that commitment in my soul yet. But as time went on I learned that that was my desire, to save myself completely for my husband. To have a have pure courtship and marriage.

Another thing I learned about myself was my love for writing. Several people said things about a gift in writing they saw in me. So I stared a blog (obviously). I found comfort in writing down my feeling, beliefs, and idea's. And people would say that they loved my blog. One woman we know now addresses my mom as "mother of the writer" lol.

Anyway all that to say, I'm not where I thought I would be a few years ago. But I'm so glad I'm here. So I don't know where I will be in ten years. But this I do know, it will be where He wants me to be. And that's fine with me :) Even if I do have a hard time giving my future to Him.

~Living In Grace~


Maiden Princess said...

Great post Rachel! It is a true walk of faith to trust God when we cannot see what's up ahead. But like you said, it may not be what we would imagine, but it will be exactly what God planned! And God's plans for us are WAY more amazing than what we can every dream of! I look forward to seeing what God has in store for both us in the next 10 years!

<3 you,
Maiden Princess

Rachel said...

I look forward to it too! God is so much bigger than us!

<3 you too :)

Rachel said...

By the way. Just so you know you are most definitly one of those friends ;)

~Child Of The Living God~