Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Single Years

Some may see them as a waiting period, the single years. I myself have viewed them in this light. But the Lord has been changing my perspective. Teaching me to see them as not a time to and wait, but a time to move! It's hard sometimes to view them as a blessing, as a fruitful season. When many of us, me included, desire so much to get married, to have children. To be a wife and a mother.

But when we take the time to see them for what they really are, a blessing possibilities begin to come forth! If we chose to view them that way, we would see that it's Gods plan for to us to have a time to completely focused on Him.

When we say "I do" we become part of the person in front of us. Our time no longer belongs only to us. We become committed to a two part relationship, with the person God has given us. Then if the Lord chooses to bless us, we have children, and our time runs even more thin. And before we know it we're raising a family, and busier than ever!

So how beautiful would it be if we used this time to Him, to do His work!

In our culture it is so common to view the teenage and 20 something years as party time. Young people go from person to person trying to fill the lonely gap inside of them. And we as Christians tend to feel as though we are "okay" because we're not sleeping around, some of us not even dating. And we leave it at that.

But we're missing the point! Since we are young we have more energy, more time. So why are those things being waisted? Why are we sitting around waiting for our lives to start, when God is saying the time is now!

So let's use this time not to wait, but to be dedicated to the Lords work! Let Him use us to advance His kingdom!

He has already chosen who we will marry, how many children we will have , where we will live, and everything else about our futures!

So don't worry, He's got you covered ;) Use this time to draw closer to Him , to know the depth of love He has for you!

I'm really just saying these things to myself, but if you get something out of it then I'm glad ;) Thanks for stopping by :D

~Is His Love~

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