Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The Lord has been teaching me a lot about this lately. As I dig deeper into myself, I find that I am a prideful person. And way to judgemental. The concept that one sin is just as bad as the other, really gets me.

The consequences are more severe on earth for worse crimes, like steeling, rape, murder etc. But if God commanded us not to do something and we do it, even the sins that seem so small to us, hurt our heavenly Father.

Several times I have been in my little prayer corner feeling all good about myself and then I say, "God show me if something in me needs to be fixed" thinking I have it down pretty good, then, He does show me. He brings tears to my eyes and I repent once again.

He constantly leads me strait back to the cross. And brings a deeper layer of His love to me. As I realize I am just like the next sinner. I was lost, I was dirty, but He called me. And I still trip, stumble, and fall.

You don't become perfect when you become saved. You become His child, still human, still imperfect. But redeemed. Saved means when you sin you realize it, come to Him, lay it at His feet, and be constantly cleansed by His blood.

Jesus gave His life for everyone. "Whosoever shall believe in Him". He did it for the drunkard, the rapist, the thief, the prostitute,the homosexual, the murderer, AND the liar, the angry, the depressed, impure at heart. He died for me, He died for you, He died for all.

People are not the enemy, satin is. We need to share the love and words of freedom to everyone. And not be judgemental. It is Gods job to judge and ours to witness. We are called to spread the Gospel through the whole earth! Its not easy to do when we cant admit that we are not perfect.

But His beautiful grace has saved me! And I am redeemed! Jesus came and died for my sins so I don't have to be perfect. I have to trust in His name! And He will lead me!

So I pray someone gets somthing out of this. I just really felt like I had to write it. Thanks for listening!

~Out Of His Great Love~


Maiden Princess said...

As always thought provoking and challenging. Thank you for sharpening me dear Sister! I love what you said "You don't become perfect when you become saved. You become His child, still human, still imperfect. But redeemed. Saved means when you sin you realize it, come to Him, lay it at His feet, and be constantly cleansed by His blood." That was so good. And realizing how holy God is and how much we fall short of that (even though we are striving for it) helps to keep us humble when we think we've just got it all together. Keeping the right view of God I find helps me to be less prideful and more humble (as pride is something I as well struggle against sometimes).

Love you Sister,
Maiden Princess

Rachel said...

Thank you! And I love you too <3