Friday, April 4, 2014

What Is Love

The word love is thrown around a lot. But what is it? If we ask the world around us, we get all kinds of answers. A popular idea today is that we as Christians are not loving, because we are not tolerant. We speak out against homosexuality, abortion, marital unfaithfulness, and other such things we believe to be wrong. And this makes us "unloving" in the worlds eyes. They call us hypocrites because we teach love and then we don't "love" all of mankind the way they think we should. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of hypocrites to go around.

But the people who are truly seeking and following The Lord know, we know that we are only saved through Jesus Christ! Not through our works, not because we are "good enough people", or because we are better than anyone else.

The world says we are unloving. But what they don't know is, they have the wrong idea of what love is. God is love. He so loved the world that He gave His only Son to be sacrificed so we could live! So we could have a one on one relationship with Him. So that we would have a love so  indescribable, so deep, so wide, so unending, nothing would ever compare!

When a true Christian says something is wrong, because the bible says it's wrong, we are not spreading hate. Actually we are spreading love. When it's done in the right way of course. Not by getting up on our soap boxes and telling people they're going to hell! But God designed a world to work in a perfect way, to bring glory to Him. He designed us to be in His presence. Before someone is saved, they are against God. There is a God shaped hole in them. Even if they don't know it.

When we witness to someone, our motive needs to be love! When we look at the sin of the world, it should sadden us, and motivate us! Our love for someone should make us desperate to see them made alive! To see them filled with the joy of following Christ!

I don't hate people. I hate sin. I hate the way it separates people from God. I love people so much that I want them to live forever! I want to see them in heaven! God is love. Plain and simple. So when we lead someone to Him, we practice love in it's purest form!

Some say I'm intolerant. That's true. I'm intolerant of sin. I'm intolerant of all things that go against the word of God. Because I know what it does to people, how it rips apart they're souls.

So yes. I will defend the name of God! I will stand up for His word! I won't except something if it's wrong! But don't call me a hater. You just don't know what love is. But I desperately want you to find out!

Love and Blessings