Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Heavy. Harder than stone. They pull,weighing me down, scaring with every move. It's seems as though they will always win. Always be the victor. Trapped in them for all of my days, that's what I see.

But all at once I hear sound, see a light. My savior has come! By the power of His blood, the chains break, fall to the ground like dust. I am free! I rise , the door stands in front of me. I step toward it but the enemy creeps close behind, reminding me of what I was, of the sin that lived in my heart. I pick up the chains and place them on me once again. How did this happen again? Why must I where these chains all day and all night? Moment after moment?

I cry out and ask "why must I stay in the dark my Lord"? My savior speaks, His voice the sweetest sound my soul has ever heard, "my child, I died for ALL of your sins, you are clean, rise and walk out into the light"

I do as he's says, I rise and see again the chains are gone! But this time I walk, closer with every step taken in faith. I see the door, the lock has been broken all along! Out of the cell of sin an death I walk.

As I step into the light my eyes are opened. All along I could have been free. All along I could have walk in praise, beauty and love. I could have lived. Freed by the blood.

If only I had left them on the ground, rotting in the place where they belong. 

But now I know. Never again will I go back, to that place of certain death and condemnation. Never again will I put them on. My chains are gone~

My goal for this poem was to remind us as Christians that our chains ARE gone, and we don't have to put them on ever again! I pray this blesses you in some way. It's based on a word that a girl at my had for the congregation. It inspired me :) 

~Walk By Faith~